
Punishment Decision on Late Return to Dorm (D AREA)

作者: 来源:新浦金350vip官方登录(留学生教育与管理部) 时间:2024-05-30 阅读次数:

以下名单中的学生自开学来多次晚归,学院决定在院内公开通报批评,其中AMARAN JOSEPH JUNIORRUSERE VONGAI MONISHA两位同学因为多次晚归,学院根据新浦金350vip官方登录国际学生违纪处分规定(2020年修订)第二章,第二十四条,第五点给予警告处分。希望大家引以为戒。


The students in the following list have returned late many times since the beginning of this semester, and the college has decided to publicly criticize them, among which two students, AMARAN JOSEPH JUNIOR and RUSERE VONGAI MONISHA, have been given warnings in accordance with the provisions of the disciplinary regulations of the international students of Wenzhou University (Revised in 2020), Chapter 2, Article 24, Point 5. We hope you will take this as a warning.

(The relevant regulations and the list of late returnees are attached)

Disciplinary Regulations

Wenzhou University Regulations for Handling International Student Disciplinary Offences (Revised in 2020) Chapter 2, Article 24, point 5

(V) The punishment for changing rooms or bed assignments or going off campus after 23:00pm or residing outside campus over night without permission is a warning, a severe warning or a probation depending on the severity of the offence. Those who repeat offences or cause severe consequences will result in expulsion depending on the severity of the offence.

Latecomer list

Warm reminder: dormitory every night after 23:00 is the rest time, please arrange your time regular routine, early to bed and early to rise! In view of the recent multiple incidents of students making noise in the middle of the night, the police will intervene if there are any more such cases at a later stage.

Overseas Students Education & Services

May 30, 2024

上一篇:2018-2023 academic year scholarship official documents

