
Notice on 2023-2024 Academic Scholarship Review

作者: 来源: 时间:2023-12-11 阅读次数:

The Academic Scholarship review will be explained in the following.

I Review introduction

The scholarship review is for current REGISTERED degree students (2020/2021/2022 bachelor programs and master programs). CSC students, non-degree students and suspended students are not included.

II Review Criteria

The review is based on your academic ranking and behavior performances among the same year and same major students through the 2nd semester of 2021-2022 academic year and the 1st semester of 2022-2023 academic year.

If your final average score for all courses is less than 60 or the number of failed courses reach 4 or more, you CAN’T get any scholarship.


ANY of the following item will lead you LOSING your scholarship directly even if your final average score is over 60:

l Any kind of uncomplete school fees.

l The number of total absences is or more than 10.

l You have record of disciplinary action.

l You have bad record or behavior.

l You have record of being punished by public security department.

l Cheating teachers/students or disrespecting management staff.

l Other situation which is not qualified for scholarship decided by scholarship review committee.

The disqualified list will be published soon. If you are on the list, you will lose your scholarship and you MUST pay full amount school fees.

III Scholarship Amount


Amount   (Yuan)

1st   tier

Full   tuition fee

2nd   tier

RMB   10000 Yuan

3rd   tier

RMB   5000 Yuan

Note: It will be deducted from your tuition fee. You need to pay full dorm fee.

IV Review Process

For year 2022 bachelor students, the scholarship will be reviewed by College of International Education. For year 2020/2021 bachelor students and all master students, the scholarship will be reviewed by your major college. The scholarship review committee will publish the final name list. If you do not respond when teacher contacts you or refuse to do as required, your scholarship will also be cancelled.

The review will be completed before December 22, 2023.

If you break school rules or be punished by public security departments during and after the scholarship review, your scholarship will be CANCELLED. You will become a self-paid student, and you MUST return the scholarship to school. Then you will also face disciplinary action accordingly.

Scholarship Review Committee

December 9, 2023

上一篇:Notice on Zhejiang Government Scholarship, 2023(Type A)Interview

下一篇:Notice on 2023 Zhejiang Government Scholarship Review
