
[Notice on December 18] School Fees of 2020-2021 Academic Year

作者: 来源:新浦金350vip官方登录(留学生教育与管理部) 时间:2020-12-18 阅读次数:

How to calculate the actual school fees I should pay through Alipay?


The following formula and cases will walk you through how to understand and how to calculate your actual amount of fees you should pay to school through Alipay.


Part A:

Standard School Fees After   Scholarship

Standard School Fees = Original School   Fees – Scholarship. This part shows your standard school fees you need to pay   to school, just like previous years.

Part B:

Dorm Refund due to Pandemic

This list has already been published. If   you are in the list, your dorm refund due to pandemic will be transferred to   your 2020 academic year school fees, which means your 2020 school fees will   be deducted. You don’t need to do anything about this, financial office will   proceed it. But you should know that newly suspended students can't get back   the dorm refund to their own bank card now because your dorm refund has been   used for 2020 academic year fees.

Part C:

Excess Paid Fees of last year.

This part will be released separately. If   you paid extra money to school last year, it will be transferred to your 2020   academic year school fees. The data is provided by financial office. If you   are 2019-year students, the name list will be published and handled by   admission office. If you are 2017-year or 2018-year students, the name list   will be published and handled by Ethan from student affairs office.

Part D:

Zhejiang Government Scholarship.

If you get this scholarship, school will   transfer your scholarship to your 2020 academic year school fees. You don’t   need to pay and financial office will handle it. If there is a balance, it   will be transferred to your ICBC card later. If it is not enough for your   school fees, you must pay the rest. If you are abroad, you can only apply to   get the balance after returning to China.

Actual   School Fees You Should Pay through Alipay = Part A – Part B – Part C – Part D

Refer   to the Link: http://cic.wzu.edu.cn/info/1041/1995.htm  

l  You should understand Part B, Part C and Part D only apply to the students who have the corresponding situation.

l  You should understand the structure of your school fees. It may take some time before you can see the deduction or transfer completion in your Alipay, so DON’T overpay.

l  If your actual school fee is below zero, it means that part of Zhejiang Government Scholarship will be returned to you later.


Here are some examples for you to understand:

l  John is majored in Biology whose registered place is in D Area. He left for his home country during the pandemic and now he is taking online courses in Nigeria. His standard school fees after scholarship is 13000 (Part A). He should get a dorm refund of 1450 (Part B), which will be transferred to 2020 academic year school fees. In 2019, he paid extra 1000 RMB (Part C) to school according to admission office. Then his actual school fees is 13000-1450-1000=10550. He needs to pay 10550 in total through Alipay.

l  Mary is majored in Business. She won both Partial and Zhejiang Government Scholarship and stayed in triple room of D during the pandemic. Her standard school fees after scholarship is 14900 (Part A). She doesn’t have dorm refund (Part B). She doesn’t have Part C. Then she doesn’t need to pay. School will transfer 14900 from her Zhejiang Government Scholarship to be used as school fees. The rest 5100 (20000-14900) will be transferred to her ICBC card later.


下一篇:[Notice on December 11th] FAQ on 2020 School Fees Payment
